Men and women, children and adults, and individuals from all walks of life are likely to experience knee pain at some point in their lives. While pain in the joints and ligaments surrounding the knees is nothing new, incidences of reported knee pain have risen exponentially in recent years.
Knee pain is attributable to a number of conditions including obesity, overuse, age, pre- existing conditions, and overall poor self care. While there are some people who choose to either ignore the pain or live with the discomfort, there are times in which treatment is absolutely necessary.
When you decide to pursue any treatment, it is important to understand that your plan of care will be determined in part by the causes of your knee pain, as well as the type of practitioner with whom you meet. Below we present five viable and effective ways you ought consider if you are experiencing knee pain.
Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, known also as RICE, involves the use of four basic methods of alleviating pain. When using the RICE method, patients are encouraged to rest their knees by staying off the injured leg as much as possible, so as to allow knee joints and surrounding areas time to heal. Using ice or cold compresses for short periods of time (overuse can lead to frostbite and nerve injury) serves to reduce inflammation of the knee, while compression with an elastic bandage further reduces swelling. When possible, elevating the leg above heart level, on a chair or pillow for example, also promotes relaxation of damaged tissue and encourages a decrease in swelling.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy may be recommended for knee injuries caused by poor form or overuse during physical activity. Exercises designed to strengthen the muscles surrounding the knees, deep tissue massage, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound waves are methods of physical therapy that have been proven effective in relieving pain. Stretching and strength training may also be introduced into the plan of care as progress ensues.
Losing Weight and Exercise
While obesity and inactivity are not the only reasons behind the increase in reports of knee pain, they remain significant factors, nonetheless. By following an appropriate eating plan and exercising under the supervision and guidance of your healthcare provider, you are likely to improve your health and experience less pain.
Three types of medication commonly prescribed for knee pain include non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), corticosteroids, and analgesics. Each of these medications differently targets knee pain and inflammation. Your pain, its cause, and your overall health will predict which type of medication you may be prescribed.
Acupuncture, a method of treatment that involves placement of specially designed, millimeter thick needles, into designated acupoints that regulate chi, is also a wonderfully non invasive option for those suffering from knee pain. Needle placement stimulates the production of endorphins and enkephalins that promote pain relief, as well as a desensitization to uncomfortable stimuli. In addition, acupuncture encourages the release of cortisol which helps to decrease inflammation.
Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Knee Pain
While some patients may need physical therapy, medication, or even surgery, learning how acupuncture in Miami can help you live a life that is pain free, is most certainly worth your while.