As a mom, blogging can be a great choice of work-from-home career. Starting your own blog gives you a platform on which to share ideas, information, and your own stories about motherhood, along with connecting with other like-minded moms who may be interested in what you have to say. Blogging is a flexible career choice and it’s this reason that makes it so popular amongst moms since it allows them to choose their own working hours and get stuff done from the comfort of home – no need to arrange constant babysitters! However, with so many successful mom blogs out there, the key to success is in ensuring that yours stands out from the crowd. Here are our top tips for making an impression with your mommy blog and helping to ensure that your blog stands out.
Four Tips for Making Sure Your Mommy Blog Stands Out

Tip #1. Stand-Out Visuals:
Once you’ve got readers landing on your blog, you’ve got to make sure that they’re interested enough in what they see to stick around, read some more, and importantly, click on your advertising, pay-per-click or affiliate marketing links to hopefully earn you some money. The way to do this is to ensure that your blog is visually appealing; opt for a clean, simple color scheme that moms can relate to and use cute images – these don’t always have to be your own, as you can get some great free to use baby photos that work just as well.
Tip #2. Make Use of Social Media:
Just your blog alone probably isn’t going to be enough to build up your readership quickly. Instead, it’s important to connect with your audience on other platforms and encourage them to click through and become regular readers. For example, starting a page for your blog on Facebook and sharing it with your friends is a great way to gain some popularity, especially if your friends go on to share it with theirs, and so on. Don’t forget to stay active on social media and provide your followers with regular updates to keep their interest levels high!
Tip #3. Provide Useful Stuff:
As a mom, chances are you’ve learned a lot from your own experience and are able to pass this information on to new moms who may be able to benefit from it. Think back to the things that you struggled with the most when you first became a mom! Whether it was dealing with the lack of sleep from night feeds, getting your little one to settle down for naps, or dealing with a sick baby, there’s sure to be moms out there right now who are going through the same difficulties and could really use some friendly advice. The best blog posts are ones that provide solutions to people’s problems – so, think of past problems that you’ve successfully dealt with as a mom and offer your input to others.
Tip #4. Get More Niche:
Lastly, don’t be afraid of digging deeper into the ‘parenting’ niche. In fact, with so many mom blogs out there, something a little bit more specific is often welcomed. For example, you could write specifically about parenting boys or girls or focus on children with special needs.
If you found these tips on making sure your blog stands out to be helpful, let us know in the comments or browse more blogging articles!