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Do you have a loved one who has been diagnosed with essential tremor? Read here to find out what could be expected of you if you become their caregiver.

When a loved one receives a diagnosis that is life-changing, the impact is felt by more than just them. A close family member may have to become their carer and help them to accomplish the simplest of daily tasks. If you are one of the people who has decided to become a carer to help a relative with essential tremor, here are some things you may need to do.

Help with Treatment

Essential tremor treatment comes in a variety of forms. One of the first treatment courses they will have to undergo is a round of medication. As their carer, you will be responsible for their medication. This may involve collecting their prescriptions from the pharmacy and sorting it to ensure that they are getting the correct dosage every day. Depending on the severity of their tremor, you may also need to assist them when they take it. It will be important to keep track of any potential side effects from taking the medications and inform the physician.

Your care will extend further. You may have to accompany them to appointments with their doctor or at the hospital. If they undergo a surgical procedure to improve their tremor and quality of life, you may also have to get involved with their aftercare.

Keep Them Motivated

Medical conditions like essential tremor take a toll on the mind just as much as the body. Unable to do much of what they used to, your relative may have days where they feel depressed and frustrated. There is a lot you can do to help them out.

Try to think of an activity you can both do together which the tremor is not going to affect. You could also think about ways you could help them if they still want to enjoy their hobbies. For example, if your relative is an avid reader, you could read to them or look into a subscription to an audio-book service like Audible so they can continue to enjoy books.

Take Time for You

The person you are caring for is going to take up a lot of your time and energy. When it is a loved one, you can be tempted to give it your all and completely throw yourself into it. However, if you do this, you run the risk of exhausting yourself. You then won’t be able to help them, as much as you want to be able to.

Make sure you spend some time by yourself each week even if it is just for an afternoon. You can arrange some temporary respite care in the meantime to ensure that your relative is well-looked after while you are away. Go to a class, go for a swim, or just take yourself for a walk to clear your head. If you can keep yourself as fit and healthy as possible both physically and mentally, you will put yourself in a great position to keep caring for your loved one.

Caring is a noble cause and anyone who chooses to care for a relative is truly selfless. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you feel like you are struggling. Your loved one is sure to be truly grateful that you can help them.



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