Children are often enthusiastic about art. Though young, they can appreciate art. Art and creativity are vital for a child’s development, and thus, parents should look to help develop a sense of art appreciation in their child through many ways. A child needs to get the opportunity of learning and developing any skills that will make them excel in life. Literacy for children should include the understanding and appreciation of art, apart from reading, writing, and counting. Art studies will help with logical thinking, development of imagination, and also grant children the encouragement to take risks. Who knows? They may grow to use art for business commercials, which use art storyboards to effectively tell a story about an entity. Here is how we can teach children to care about art.
- Providing them with creative materials
When children are given space to create, experiment, and make discoveries on things they really like, this affects their intellectual abilities positively. Therefore, granting them access to art materials is crucial. They should be provided with a variety of materials with different textures. These include markers, crayons, paintbrushes, modeling clay, sponges, chalk, collage materials, construction papers, and many others. After every project, encourage your child to think more profoundly about their work deep by asking questions about it. Show interest, and avoid criticizing or judging your child’s work. We all know that art creation for kids is messy. Cover the work area with a newspaper and let your child wear an art apron. Knowing that you won’t have too much mess to clean up afterward will help you relax and enjoy your child’s creativity more. Make sure you supervise them closely to prevent them from inserting things in their mouth.
- Visiting of art museums
Visiting art museums will not just help the kids to appreciate art, but will also aid in developing their verbal and social skills. It will also aid children understand shapes, textures, and dimensions. Children will benefit from museums catering for children, as well as traditional museums. Try to instill creative thinking in your children by asking them to discuss what they observed during the visit. Ask them why they think an artist chose particular colors. Making art familiar with children will help them grow comfortable with it. Discuss with them the language around art. Look for beauty and art in nature; outside museums.
- Reading picture books
Pictures can pass a message, communicate ideas, and tell stories without using any words at all. Make picture books a part of your child’s collection of books. Picture books will enable your child develop their imagination, where the child is able to look at the pictures and draw their own conclusion about what story the book is telling. Consider buying a drawing book and have your child draw pictures, and build a story with them. The combination of art literacy with imagination is very powerful for the child’s formation.
- Building self-confidence
This involves encouraging and appreciating your children’s efforts at creating art pieces. This also includes interest in their discussions about art. Children are often excited when having faith in them and what they do. Children relish being given the space and freedom of playing with different materials. Avoid directing your children about how they should use art equipment. Let them figure out what they can do with the materials they have. Hang their projects around the house where your family can appreciate it. Children value having an adult who believes in them and gives them confidence.