Sometimes, you just need to hear three little words.
You know those days when your kid “accidentally” emptied the box of Lucky Charms on the counter because “I had to get the green marshmallow hats”….
Then you had no idea that you signed up for “entertainment” while eating breakfast when you catch a glimpse of your dog’s b-hole of fury explode on your lawn…
And it gets stuck in his fur…
Then you have to give him a bath…
Then your kid demands watching Tom and Jerry…
And you can’t find the T.V remote…
And you seriously debate whether or not this is deemed as one of those “This better be life-threatening” phone calls to your husband’s work…
Then you figure it out only to get confused by how to actually change the channel…
And you start jacking up the tint, brightness, contrast and whatever else is in the menu button…
Then you give up and start on laundry instead and find your husband’s boxers (that have holes in the crotch so big that you begin to question if his farts are contributing to global warming) gets wrapped around the washer drums.
And then you spend roughly 10 minutes trying to detangle them…
And then you throw them out…
Only to find them in the laundry basket again in a few days…
Because your husband fished them out…
They are his “favorites” you know…
Then your Dad calls to talk to you about insignificant things like going to the graveyard to visit your dead grandparents and constipation…