In this day and agewhere children are constantly glued to screens, it can be difficult to get them to go out and experience all the world has to offer. Luckily, there’s a proven way to get kids excited about playing outdoors and interacting with one another: Good old fashioned sports.
Sports can be immensely valuable to people of all age groups, but they are particularly beneficial to young children who are still growing and learning; after all, they build friendships, teach the importance of physical fitness, and promote ideals of cooperation and healthy competition. For kids who are increasingly isolated by technology, experiencing teamwork firsthand is incredibly valuable.

It is for these reasons that sports-related birthday parties are often such a hit, not only with the kids participating in them, but with their parents as well. Whether a child is a fan of soccer, hockey, basketball, or any other sport, focusing his or her birthday celebration on sports can be a wonderful thing to do. You can organize a friendly game of soccer, plan a kayak trip down a local river, or bring the birthday party to a professional sporting event. The possibilities are endless, but no matter what you choose, you’ll be creating a lasting memory for years to come. If you’re from the west coast, you may want to look into heading to the ROX: The Olympic Experienceat the Richmond Oval located in Richmond, British Columbia. This fun activity is the first of its kind in North America, and the only such attraction in North America to be endorsed by the International Olympic Committee. The Rox: The Olympic Experience at the Richmond Olympic Oval ( has virtual reality Olympic simulations, Olympic artifacts, and interactive sports-related games for sports fans both young and old to enjoy.
Whatever athletics-related birthday theme you may choose for that special child in your life, know that you are making the right choice, the healthy choice for your child. Sports can do wonders for children, guiding their natural instinct to play into a safe, healthy, organized space. They can also assist youths in the process of discovering their true identities as well as raise their confidence levels, making them stronger, well-rounded human beings. If your child has a birthday coming up, consider a sports-themed celebration. Athletics do wonders for children, both physically and mentally. They’re educational, healthy, and exciting. Most of all though, they’re a lot of fun!