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There’s a certain kind of freedom that comes with finally nailing your home maintenance routine. For a lot of us, reaching this point may feel like an uphill battle. Life just has a habit of getting in the way. That’s why many families are finding it simpler to transform their home into a low-maintenance abode over simply attempting to develop a maintenance routine. Here are a few small tips on how you can minimise your home maintenance through organization and design!

1. Work smarter, not harder

Whatever current practices you’re using in your home, there’s always going to be a better, smarter, or more efficient method for completing any task.  My absolute favorite way to make things more efficient is by using dishwasher cleaning pods.  It’s all about opening yourself up to new ideas and innovations, as well as taking some time to think critically about what methods may work best for your home environment. For instance, a wet and dry vacuum cleaner may do the job of both a conventional vacuum and a steam cleaner, meaning that you have one less cleaning appliance in your broom cupboard. It’s like how a food processor can chop up your veggies, grind your grains, and make soups, a smoothie, or whatever else you’ll need in a matter of seconds, cutting your cooking time down quite dramatically. Investing in these timesavers is the foundational step to creating a low-maintenance home.

2. Develop a cleaning routine

Developing an effective household cleaning routine is all about finding ways to ensure you give every room of your home equal attention with minimal fuss. Just as a wet and dry vacuum cleaner can help bolster your surface cleaning schedule, using natural all-purpose household cleaners and sprays can also greatly simplify your household cleaning routine. Get into the habit of doing at least one surface every day or every second day, depending on the size of your home. Doing a little work on a regular basis most definitely beats doing a lot of cleaning all at once, and will most likely mean you and your home will be ready to host guests at a moment’s notice!

3. Embrace minimalism

Minimalism is all about living with less and follows the ethos that clear surroundings equate to a clearer mind. Embracing minimalist design principles is all about allowing yourself to live with the bare essentials, and to cultivate fresh and open spaces in your home. Naturally, your home has less of a chance of generating clutter if it’s been designed with minimising clutter in mind, which is why a lot of families are choosing to adopt contemporary minimalist principles in their home design. Even making small changes to your interior design scheme such as using a side table instead of a large coffee table or opting for floor cushions, storage ottomans, and stools instead of armchairs and larger furniture can make a world of difference to your interior spaces, not just in regards to keeping the space open, but also when it comes to the versatility of your living spaces too!

4. Get creative with storage

When it comes to transforming your home into a low-maintenance haven, flexible storage options should be considered your ‘bread and butter’. A home with creative storage is essentially a home where everything truly has its place, and that’s exactly what you should strive for when cultivating low-maintenance spaces. Think about what kinds of storage will perform best in your home. Consider both your current interior design choices, as well as the needs of your family. Vintage toy chests may be perfectly at home in your children’s rooms, as would a storage ottoman at the foot of your bed!

5. Organisation is key!

Speaking of bedroom storage, it’s no secret that ‘under-the-bed’ and wardrobe storage can make or break a potentially low-maintenance home. You want to make sure that your bedroom and wardrobe storage is organised intelligently and with total accessibility in mind. Consider using hanging racks for smaller attire like ties, socks, and undergarments, and storing larger articles of clothing like coats on a seasonal basis, so that the only items in your bedroom closet are items that you see yourself using regularly during that time of the year. Even a small bedroom can be optimally organised! It’s all about finding the methods and organisational tools that work best for you.

6. Use low-maintenance decor and accents

Finally, your home’s decor and accents can also play a role in the formation of your low-maintenance haven. Self-expression through your decor is always encouraged, even in a minimalist household, so you want to incorporate pieces that you feel represent you and your family. Just try and opt for low-maintenance accents wherever possible. There’s nothing more low-maintenance than potted succulents, but you can put a personal spin on it by making your own pots! Similarly, instead of using candles or standing lamps for ambient lighting in your home, you can opt for coloured fairy lights strung across the walls or smart lighting, saving you some extra table and floor space, and minimising surfaces where dust can gather.


Even following just a few of these tips will be sure to greatly simplify your home maintenance routine in next to no time at all!


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