Summer plans are in full swing. Calendars are filling up. However, amid all your planning, don’t forget about a little self-care.
For parents, summer can be a jungle of events and a lot more time with the children than we might be used to. If you are a conscientious mom, you likely want to make the most of this time by filling up each day to the max. Kudos to you! But if you burnout, get sick, or fall prey to a common summer health issue, you won’t be doing your kids any favors.
Pay attention to your health now and use a couple preventative moves to keep yourself in the game this summer. Here are 3 easy moves that you can do to protect your health so that you show up with your A-game—on-time, all the time!
Sleep off summer stress.
Summer stress is real. Social obligations, events, and trips will have you busier than usual. That, plus finding safe and entertaining options for the kids 24/7 can make even the most prepared mom feel a bit strung out.
In fact, summer stress is common enough that addresses it in an article on how to beat summer stress symptoms.
Before you wave away this idea that you could be stressed out, ask yourself if you’ve been having more headaches than usual. According to, “Tension headaches usually reside around the head but focus at the back of the neck or temples. These headaches are caused by scalp and neck muscle contraction due to stress.”
Thankfully, there is a super easy way to deal with stress that experts recommend. Boost your sleep hours during summer. You’re exhausted anyway. So stop fighting that sleep urge and give yourself the best chance of quality sleep hours by simply shutting down when the kids go down.
For many people, the heat can interfere with drifting off. Take a cold shower before hopping into bed. And do not try to scrimp on your electricity bill by not using the AC. If it is too hot to sleep, you won’t be any good tomorrow. Consider it an investment in your and your children’s happiness.
Fight summer colds with good ol’ common sense and hand sanitizer.
That dreaded summer cold? The one that your kids give you yearly… Want things to be different this year? Viruses spread through contact. You can break that chain by making it a firm habit to wash your hands before handling food or touching your face.
A super simple move for busy moms? Keep hand sanitizer in your pocket and whip it out at every opportunity. Use it on yourself, your crew, and frequently touched surfaces. Always wash your hands when coming home after trips out.
The main purpose of sanitizers is to create an environment that is safe and free of germs, but consider that the irrational use of hand sanitizer can make your skin dry and cracked. Consider using all-natural hand sanitizing wipes formulated without harsh chemicals to protect your skin from the common issues.
Since summertime means increased opportunity to be in public places, giving your kids a refresher on how to prevent colds is a good move. These are good habits to have regardless of the time of year and can go far to prevent future health issues, too.
Break up your day with water breaks.
Want a way to make those long summer days more manageable? Use regular water breaks to take a breather + hydrate. Go into the kitchen and fix yourself up a tall glass of ice water. Don’t leave the kitchen until you’ve tanked up, and you have a mental game plan for what comes next.
Water is the most important substance you will consume in a day. Your body and your brain cannot perform well without it. If you begin to feel your concentration lapse, or that you are low on energy, think back on when you drank water last. It could be that your body is trying to alert you that you’re heading toward dehydration.
Water breaks spread throughout the day will do two important things for busy moms. First, they will keep you hydrated and performing at your peak. Second, a mini-break in the kitchen, drinking a tall glass of water, will allow you to regroup, reassess, and think about what comes next in your day.
Naturally, if you are out, high tailing it to the kitchen might not make sense. But you can still use the act of drinking water to take a moment to yourself to plot out what comes next. Staying hydrated is important to your health. So is knowing what comes next in a day filled with shuffling kids around. Combining the two will keep you on track and help you finish the day strong.