We all know we should improve our lives, get healthy, work out more, be nice…yada, yada, yada.
Well I have 6 ways to help do just that! You will be so freaking happy everyone will want to know why. Here are 6 simple ways to get started improving your life and become happier.
1. Eat Healthier. See I said healthier, not healthy. There is a difference. Eating healthy sounds like you can’t eat anything you want. Just the good for you stuff. I am saying you can still eat a lot of the things you love (pizza, chips etc.) but add more healthy stuff in there to balance it out. Vitamins, more water, more vegetables. But don’t deprive yourself of those things you can’t live without. Just adding more water and healthy foods will help you feel you are improving your health a little bit at a time!
2. Walk every day! Just a quick trip around the block to get your heart pumping really helps the old attitude. If it’s raining, go to Target, Walmart or the mall. If you get in a really good walk, reward yourself and buy something new!
3. Start saving your change. Or put away a dollar a day towards a nice vacation. You will have something to look forward to. Pick a destination and save up the amount you need to get there. It may take a year or two but so worth it. All-inclusive vacations are out there and there are some deals to be made!
4. Clean out your Facebook friends. Get rid of the Debbie downers, the people you don’t really like anyway, the trouble stirrers, the neighbor whose dog poops in your yard and they act like it isn’t their dog doing it. It is such a happy feeling when your FB newsfeed looks more cheerful and peppy!
5. Have lunch or pedicures with the girls once a month. Even if you don’t feel like it. It’s amazing what once a month with the girls can do for you. If you’re a dude, then hit the bowling alley or pool hall with the bros. Friends keep us grounded and sane!
6. De-clutter your house. You don’t have to do it in one day or even a month. Try tips from FlyLady.com or Pinterest. Just getting rid of clutter a little each day makes you feel like you are really accomplishing something.
I promise if you do these few things on a regular basis you will be so freaking happy! Your life will improve and your friends will see the difference. Be the best you!
*Disclaimer: if these things don’t work, try a 5 o’clock cocktail daily. Be Happy!
I’ll add another one…
Get better sleep 🙂