Age-appropriate chores are a great way to slowly introduce children to work that just needs to be done around a home. Let’s face it, we all still have chores! Laundry must be done, dishes must be washed, and food needs to be purchased and prepared. Regardless of whether or not you do these jobs yourself or hire some or all of them out – you’re managing the tasks and overseeing that they are done. Life isn’t magic – and including the kids in work that must be done is a great way to create a good work ethic.
To be honest, I go back and forth between wishing that I could hire a company to come in and clean weekly for me – but then also feeling like I just need to do it myself to ensure it’s done the way I want. Though, I have had a few times here and there where I have been so behind either due to work or illness that I have hired individuals to come in and work alongside me to help me get caught up. But now that my children are older – they are able to also do the chores that I would have needed help with at those times.
Do I Need a Chore Chart?
A chore chart isn’t necessary – but I find that having one has helped the kids to remember until it becomes a habit. They are also great motivation when your child is trying to reach a goal. Visualizing their list may also help them from being overwhelmed. Here are some really charts that we’ve found.

And keep in mind that it’s never too late to start! No matter the age, kids are always seeking independence – work that desire for independence into practical ways that they can learn to begin taking care of themselves and their future home.
Here I’ve put together some chore ideas for your kiddos based on their age. I’m sure they will thank me.
But, before handing over a chore list and expecting the kids to have at it – remember that you need to show them how to properly do the chore. Depending on the age and the chore, you may need to do the chore with them the first few times.
Age-Appropriate Chores for Children by Age
Ages 2 & 3
This is a fun age! They are eager to learn and to help out – making this a great time to begin instilling in them a “help out” attitude.
- Pick up toys
- Throw away trash
- Fold hand towels and washcloths
- Put dirty clothes in the hamper
Ages 4 & 5
- Make bed
- Pick up toys
- Help feed pets
- Throw away trash
- Empty wastebasket
- Help set the table
- Use handheld vacuum for crumbs
- Help fold laundry
- Help gather laundry
- Help load the dishwasher
- Help dust with duster such a Swiffer
- Help clean up after snacks and meals
Ages 6 & 7
- Help sort laundry
- Help transfer laundry from one machine to the next
- Help pull weeds or pick up sticks in the yard
- Sweep the porch, deck, sidewalk
- Help rake leaves
- Keep room clean
Ages 8 & 9
- Help put away groceries
- Vacuum around the house
- Help make dinner
- Put away laundry
- Wash vegetables
- Help make simple breakfast items such as toast
Ages 10 & 11
- Unload dishwasher
- Clean bathroom
- Wash windows
- Wash and vacuum car
- Begin to cook simple meals with supervision (salad, soups, grilled cheese, etc…)
- Do laundry
- Change their bed sheets
Ages 12+
- Begin to plan and make meals with supervision
- Mow the lawn when size and maturity is reached
- Take trash to curb
- Collect mail
- Wash windows
- Dust
- Mop floors
- Help take care of younger siblings
- Help with simple home repairs
- Clean garage and shed
- Change light bulbs
- Check smoke detectors