For the past five years, I have been cloth diapering my children intermittently. To my first born, it has been a roller coaster of cloth diapering journey mainly because during that time I only had limited cloth diaper sources. I was still considered noob and didn’t find the journey successful because I still chose to use disposables just because I was lazy cleaning dirty diapers. For my daughter, it was little different. I had no choice when she came because I had to use cloth diapers on her. She had this horrendous allergies on disposables and her bum turned red for months that her “presko time” had to be almost all day long. Admittedly, I really didn’t think I will be able to sustain the cloth diapering since my yaya that time had gone awol when kuya was only 15months that time. I had to be an octopus mom in an instant and I chose only what is convenient for me so I only used CDs intermittently with DDs.

I thought I was done with dirty diapers until my little boy came. This time, what I need was lots of research on how to be able to be successful at CDing as well as support group! So I joined cloth diapering group in facebook and read lots and lots of tips from different moms. It was only then that I realized I was still a virgin at this! At first I felt like drowning in most of their terms and my mind has gone a little haywire as where to start. But with patience, I was able to collect my thoughts and now, sharing my reason for cloth diapering.
Environment friendly. With its use I won’t add up to the already piled up garbage everywhere.
Economical. Cloth diapers aren’t cheap in fact one cloth diaper costs already 24pcs of disposables but since it can be washed, you can save up on long term use.
Diaper rash free. Most babies who are on exclusive CD aren’t suffering from rash. But don’t get me wrong though, my son also has occasional rash but it may also be due to the detergent used to wash the cloth diapers. And lots of factors.
Cute prints. CDs comes in thousands on prints available. If only I can buy everything, I will end up broke.
Convenience. Because its wash and wear, you won’t be bothered in the middle of the night if you ran out of diapers because you don’t need go out and buy some more.
It will really be a dedication when choosing to exclusively cloth diaper you baby because it takes alot of work to do. But mind you, I have two toddlers and a baby, the only key in doing it is time management. Of course if you are also the type who gets addicted to online shopping then beware as it may be addicting to hoard the cute prints online! I kid you not.
So you may ask how is it economical if the cloth diaper itself is expensive? To date, I have 18 CDs and each costs P250 and in total my whole stash amounts to P4,500. In a day, The average diaper change is 10 times and if per diaper costs P7.00. In a month it will already cost P2,100. My whole stash can already be used until he is already toddler.
Have you tried cloth diapers before? Share them on the comment box below!
1 Comment
It took a lot of convincing for my husband but we settled on cloth diapering for our daughter. We have only used disposables when she was a newborn until her umbilical cord stump fell off and once when she started having an allergic reaction to the detergent I was using (since switching detergents we have been all good!). I love my diapers and love sharing my experience with anyone who is interested!