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When you have an Instant Pot, you’ll be able to cook all kinds of recipes in a flash. Of course, before you can do any cooking, you’re going to have to find the appropriate recipes. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be able to find plenty of delicious recipes to cook with.

Look For Recipes That Were Designed For The Instant Pot

When you’re hunting for recipes, the number one thing you need to do is make sure that the recipes you’re cooking with were designed with the Instant Pot in mind. You won’t want to use normal slow cooker recipes if you can help it. The best recipes are going to be the ones that were created for your Instant Pot.

Once you get a little bit more comfortable with your new appliance, you might want to start adapting recipes and even creating brand-new recipes of your own. In the meantime, however, you’ll want to stick with first-rate recipes that are easy to use.

Search For Your Favorite Foods

You can make virtually any kind of meal in an Instant Pot. A lot of people are amazed when they realize just how many kinds of foods you can make with this little appliance. For example, you can make things like mac & cheese and lasagna. You can use your device to make all sorts of savory and even sweet meals.

When you’re looking for different things to make, you should aim to find some of your favorite foods. Try to see if you can re-create the dishes you love most using your Instant Pot. You might be pleasantly surprised when you see how many kinds of food you can make.

Read Recipe Reviews

It’s normal to read some reviews if you’re going to be buying a product. That said, a lot of people don’t think to look for reviews when they’re checking out recipes. Reviews can actually help you to see whether or not a recipe is worth trying.

If a recipe has a lot of positive reviews, you can assume that it’s easy to follow, and you can also assume that the recipe will turn out well. In some cases, the reviews may also mention making changes or substitutions to the recipe. When you rely on reviews, you’ll be able to find the best recipes and make those recipes even better. If a recipe doesn’t have reviews, you should read the comments on the recipe to see what people have been saying.

Adapt Recipes That Don’t Work For You

Have you seen a recipe for a great soup that contains some ingredients you don’t care for? Are you struggling to find vegetarian Instant Pot recipes? If you’re in this position, you should remember that you don’t necessarily have to follow all of the directions when you’re making a new recipe. You should feel free to change the recipe and make it even better.

If a recipe isn’t quite right for you, try making a substitution. You should be cautious when you’re substituting things like liquid, but in most cases, you’ll be able to make a few changes without negatively impacting the recipe that you’re using.

Consider a Cookbook

If you plan to do a lot of cooking with your Instant Pot, why not pick up some sort of a cookbook? If you have a cookbook, you’ll have a huge selection of recipes that you can test out.

Since the Instant Pot is a huge success, there are a lot of cookbooks that are exclusively filled with recipes for this appliance. See which cookbooks are highly-rated. If you pick out the right cookbook, you’ll always be able to find something tasty to prepare. If you’re not a big fan of cookbooks, you can try cooking blogs instead.

Look For Best Recipe Lists

There are people that compile lists of the top recipes that use an Instant Pot. You should track down some of these lists and go through them. See how many recipes you spot that seem like they would be worth trying out.

Not every recipe on a list like this will appeal to you, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t going to be a lot of recipes that are worth trying. You should seek out lists of the best recipes and start trying them out one by one.

See What People Are Saying On Social Media

The Instant Pot is tremendously popular, and you can find people talking about it virtually everywhere. You’ll want to make a point of looking at some of the comments that people have been making on social media. You’ll notice a lot of recipe recommendations there.

You can learn a lot from people that have already spend a lot of time using their Instant Pot. Connect with people so that you can discuss their favorite recipes with them. Check out the recipes that they recommend and see if you’d like to give any of those recipes a try. You’ll probably be able to get a lot of great suggestions.

Look At the Recipe Book That Came With Your Instant Pot

When you purchased your appliance, you probably received a small recipe book. Even though this book isn’t massive, the recipes within it will probably be a huge help to you. It’s the perfect starting point for someone that isn’t used to cooking with the Instant Pot just yet.

If you flip through the recipe book, you’ll be able to see a range of basic recipes that you can start off with. This can be your entry point to cooking with the Instant Pot. Once you get through this recipe book, you’ll be able to move onto all kinds of new recipes.

Now that you have your own Instant Pot, it’s time for you to start looking at some of the best Instant Pot recipes. Try to check out all kinds of different recipes so that you can make the most of your new appliance. Once you start doing more cooking with this appliance, you’ll wonder how you managed to live without it for so long.


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