Welcome to Day 3 of the 25 Days of Christmas Countdown! Today, we’re featuring an amazing new product that was introduced to us a few weeks ago. The ingenious LifeVac device that is designed for use in a choking-emergency.
The LifeVac is a non-powered single patient portable suction device developed for resuscitating an aspirating victim when standard protocol has been followed without success. The negative pressure generated by the force of the suction is 3 times greater than the highest recorded abdominal thrusts. The LifeVac comes with two mask sizes, Adult and Pediatric.
Let us take a moment to explain why this made it to the top of our must-haves list. A few weeks prior to being introduced to LifeVac, I experienced a choking incident that was terrifying. Food had slid down into my throat and become lodged in a matter of moments. I couldn’t speak, make noise… and unfortunately, no one noticed. Amazingly, even in my panicked state – I was able to dislodge the piece of food on my own. Then the “what ifs” began to creep in. It’s unnerving. We’re glad to now have this in our home. The kids have been taught its proper use, and we hope that we’ll be able to use if effectively if it is ever needed.

“I am trained in CPR, I did the Heimlich, it did not work, my daughter was dying in front of me. LifeVac saved her life. Please have a LifeVac. It is priceless!” – Claire Duvall, Mother
View the LifeVac training video here.

Ready to prepare your home with a LifeVac unit? Use code: BM1 to get $10 off! Order yours here.

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