It’s back to school time and time to switch gears from summer fun to hitting the books for the kiddos. I don’t know about you but getting my kiddos back in the swing of school is challenging every year. I am thrilled to have found Vitamin Friends’ Just Focus! This magical gummy harnesses Phosphatidylserine (PS), a clinically proven nutrient, to support and improve mind and body performance in children and adults of all ages. PS is a building block of our body’s cells. It is responsible for communication between brain cells. Focus harnesses this nutrient to support a variety of mind and body health benefits in people of all ages.

For Cognitive Excellence
Lipids are a major component of our brains. A full 60% (dry weight) of our brain is made of lipids, and phospholipids are among the most important of them. Compared to other organs, PS is especially prevalent in the brain. For example, PS makes up only about 3% of liver and heart phospholipids, whereas it makes up 18% of the phospholipids in the brain. This high level of PS in the brain highlights its importance for proper brain structure and function. PS was shown to increase neurotransmitter secretion in the brain, as well as improve neuron survival and affect mechanisms responsible for learning and formation of memories. Indeed, numerous clinical studies with PS demonstrate the effect of PS intake on enhancement of cognition – especially memory, learning and attention – in elderly people, as well as in other populations, such as children and students.
For an Improved Exercise Experience
While PS is known mostly for its ability to help improve cognitive skills, there are also other benefits. Over the years, a number of clinical studies that tested the effects of PS on exercise showed that intake of PS enhances the exercise experience by improving several different outcomes. These include significant improvements to endurance (which can boost peak performance) and recovery, reduced muscle soreness.
For Mood Improvement
PS naturally eases negative moods that may occur from time to time in response to life’s stressors. PS, a natural lipid that is part of our body, is clinically proven to improve mood. It was shown to reduce the increase in a hormone,cortisol, which naturally occurs as part of the body’s reaction to negative mood changes. Your cortisol level increases when a you become gloomy or experience a low mood. For 25 years it has been known that PS reduces cortisol levels in both blood and saliva. In a clinical study of elderly people, the control group reported a close to 30% increase in their negative mood after 12 weeks, while those who took daily PS supplements reported almost no increase in negativity, indicating that PS can improve mood.
For Stress Reduction
Daily stress, whether caused by a mental or physical event or situation, results in physical effects in the body, one of the most noted being an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol. High levels of cortisol, especially over a long period of time, can have many harmful effects on the body, such as blood sugar imbalance and diabetes, weight gain and obesity, suppression of the immune system, gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular disease, and more. Long-term stress and elevated cortisol may also be linked to insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, thyroid disorders, dementia, depression, and other conditions.Studies conducted for over 25 years highlight the effect of PS on relieving occasional stress. Intake of PS is known to lessen the increase in cortisol caused by mental (job interview, school exams) or physical (exercise) stress. Since PS is a natural and safe solution, it may provide an effective, alternative for those seeking to ease day to day stress.
Promotes Youthful Skin
PS benefits the skin via two mechanisms that are different but complementary to one another. The first mechanism found in animal studies relates to the way in which PS increases the levels of internal collagen production. Collagen is a protein which is the structural basis of skin. Reduction in collagen formation results in skin wrinkling, drying and deformation. The second mechanism relates to the way PS prevents the production of another protein, known as MMP1, which is an enzyme responsible for collagen breakdown. The two combined mechanisms lead to increased collagen formation. Indeed, studies in humans show that intake of PS results in reduced wrinkling and increased skin moisture.
Browse Vitamin Friends Just Focus here.
Photo Credits: Vitamin Friends and Vitamin Friends FB
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