Before (the first) baby, we spent a lot of time preparing the one changing station where we imagined that all diaper duties would take place. And for the most part of that first week – all diaper activities happened there. Then, life happened. Things became busier, crawling happened – then the toddling and walking. Now, we prefer the convenience of multiple ‘changing stations’ throughout the house (and car). The multiple locations of the changing stations and the convenience of grabbing everything I need for them from our local Walmart Neighborhood Market have made life a little more simpler. So, more has definitely been less stress for me!
Related: Baby and Toddler Car Kit.
The location of the multiple changing stations has evolved over the years to match the areas of the house where they are more apt and allowed to be. The younger they were, two stations – one in their bedroom and one in the family/play room worked well. As we spent more time in the rest of the house and then outdoors, we’ve added a few more ‘changing stations’ around the house. Planning the locations of the stations may take some strategic work. Think, where in the home would you most want to not be when a diaper mishap moment occurs? There, you’ve found your first satellite diaper changing station. Fill a tote with the changing essentials you found at your Walmart Neighborhood Market and place it in that space. We’re stocked with Huggies!

Related: Grab this coupon for Huggies Wipes (Coupon available 8/28/2016 – 9/10/2016)
Once you’ve selected your locations – you’ll need to stock up!
Here’s a great list to get you started:
Diapers, of course! Keep a good stack of Huggies diapers in your tote at all times. It’s a little more than disappointing to be ready to change baby only to find that you have run out!

Wipes, most definitely. You may even want to make these the most accessible item within your tote/box. You’ll go through these almost as quickly as diapers – so stay stocked! I always take advantage of this moment to see if their little faces, noses or hands need a good wiping.
Changing Pad/Blanket. You want to make sure that there are no mishaps on your floor or other surface that you’ll be using to change your little one. Not only does it protect floors from mishaps, it adds a layer of protection from dirt and dust.
Ointments and creams. If your little one is prone to needing the protection of creams – keep those on hand in your tote. With the work you put into creating a new changing station, you won’t want to scramble through the house looking for this item!
Extra clothes. Depending on where the extra changing stations is, you may want extra clothes. This is especially true for any tote you plan to keep in your vehicle!
Hand sanitizer. Depending on where you place your tote (can children easily access it?) you may want to have something to wipe your hands before and after the diaper change. If you don’t want to place hand sanitizer at this location – remember that wipes work well!
We’ve found it very convenient to find all of these items at our local Walmart Neighborhood Market – and usually stock up on at least one of these items while we’re there… just in case!