Although knowing whether your little bundle of joy is going to be a boy or a girl is only certain with a professional ultrasound, this doesn’t stop many moms and dads to be trying to guess whether they’re going to be buying all pink or all blue. Many parents don’t want to know for sure what gender the baby is until it’s born, whilst others want to try and guess before the ultrasound tells them who got it right. If you’re pregnant and don’t yet know whether your baby will be a little boy or girl, here are some fun ways to try and tell without having to go for an ultrasound.

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Gender Prediction Tests
This baby gender prediction test involves plants, and is more of an organic option making it especially good for moms who want their pregnancy and birth to be as natural as possible and don’t want to find out the gender of their baby via ultrasound. The test itself is also fun to do, and can be great to do with older children who’re probably just as excited about finding out whether they’re going to get a new little brother or little sister. However, it’s good to be aware that the test may not always be accurate, so be prepared for a surprise!
How You Carry
For years, women have used the carriage of their bump to predict whether they are having a girl or a boy. If you’re carrying quite high, there’s a bigger chance that you’re having a girl, whereas if you carry your bump lower, you’re more likely to be having a boy. Of course, this prediction test definitely isn’t accurate every time, but it can definitely be fun to use for guessing if you’ve decided that you don’t want to find out for definite until baby is born.
Baby’s Heart Rate
Another way you could get a better insight into whether you’re expecting a little boy or girl is to pay attention next time you listen to your baby’s heartbeat. According to legend, anything over 140 beats per minute in the womb indicates that you’re going to have a girl, whereas anything lower than 140 beats per minute is likely to be a boy.
Your Cravings
Last but not least, some people believe that the kind of foods that you crave during pregnancy can be indicative of the sex of the baby. If you’re craving a lot of sweet foods, for example cakes, ice cream or even fruit, many believe this means you’re going to have a girl. On the other hand, pregnant moms who crave more savory foods, or foods that are salty or sour, are said to be more likely to be having a boy. Of course, this test doesn’t always work, as your pregnancy cravings are due to a whole range of different factors. Not to mention that if you’re craving cake one day and chips the next, it can be hard to tell.
These are all fun and enjoyable ways to try and guess your baby’s gender, but remember that you won’t know for certain until they’re born!