Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Walgreens via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Walgreens
Though signs of spring are slowly beginning to appear – it’s still winter and it could last for several more weeks. We’re very happy, mama especially, that this winter wasn’t marked with a lot of coughs, colds or time spent at the doctor’s office. In fact, other than a sniffle here and there, we had a very healthy winter! That makes mama happy! I know we can’t always avoid getting sick – but we can be proactive in trying to protect ourselves in an effort to stay healthy. Here are a few things we focused on this winter.
1. Taking Vitamins
Walgreens brand vitamins (and supplements) are a staple in our home. It’s amazing how much better I feel when I take the vitamins that my body needs. We’re all different and will have different needs – but there are a few that each member of our family takes. At the top of our list is Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and D. We also make sure to get a lot of calcium!
When shopping for vitamins, you might find it useful to know that you can help a child in need with every vitamins or supplements purchase at Walgreens. Millions of children around the world are suffering from ‘hidden hunger’, a lack of micronutrients that can lead to disease and even death. In fact, 45% of all childhood deaths are attributable to under-nutrition. Walgreens is giving a portion of all vitamin retail sales to Vitamin Angels to help 100 million children in the U.S. and abroad get the vitamins they need to live well.
2. Keep Hands Clean
We touch a lot of surfaces and objects throughout the day. That can add up to a lot of germs collected and transferred to our face, lips and mouth. I think my kids touch everything they see when we are out grocery shopping, etc. While I’m working to remind them that we can’t go around touching everything we see – I’m also reminding them to wash their hands often.
If we’ve been out an about – I have them wash their hands when we return home. Hands are also washed before handling food and meal time. When water and soap aren’t available, we use hand sanitizer. Remember to monitor your child’s use of hand sanitizer to help keep them from using too much or ingesting any of the gel.
Not a fan of hand sanitizer? Baby wipes are also great for keeping hands clean! I keep a pack in the car and if we’re hiking, enjoying a festival or amusement park – they are toted around with us.
3. Eat Healthy
I think we (at our home) are more tempted to have unhealthy eating habits when the weather has turned cold and we spend more time indoors. When we’re curled up on the couch, the comfort foods are just a little more appealing for some reason.
Make it a point to include fruits and veggies into your diet during these winter months. You may need their nutrients more than ever during this time of year. We’ve made sure to have at least one meal that includes a salad each week and to keep fruits and vegetables available for snacking.
4. Stay Active
The winter is a great excuse to stay inside and become inactive. The short days and long evenings can easily keep us on the couch. Make sure to remain active during these months. A brisk walk or ice skating with the kids can help to keep you feeling better, boost your immune system and relieve any tension that builds up from being indoors too long. Can’t make it outside? Include an exercise routine to your day. Order a video exercise series or search online for free instructional videos. You’ll find that there are even exercises your kids can enjoy alongside you.
5. Proper Rest
Getting the right amount of sleep is important no matter the time of year. I’ve noticed that it’s easier for me to stay up later working or watching movies when the days have become shorter and I’m inside more. However, for my vitamins, nutrients and foods to be used properly by my body – my body needs rest. Ensure that you are getting to bed at a good time and sleeping long enough for your body to get the rest it needs.