Fin is my dog. I have had him since I was 19 years old. He has moved with me, been there for my break-ups,…
Bridal showers are getting real cray, I hear. I talk to my friends in their early twenties about whats going on, and they are…
I grew up close to my grandparents. Even now, I talk to both grandmas at least once a week. I want my daughters to…
When Anouk was a newborn, I was running on fumes. Literally. I wasn’t able to drink coffee for the first time since I was…
One question I get a lot is “where should I go on my next vacation?” The fact that I am a pilot’s wife and…
Especially after a long day. You worked all day. You pick up two tired kids at daycare and then of one of the next…
There are enough chances that if you ask most laymen about the job outlook for the pharmacists, ‘outstanding’ would be the word that they…
With several pictures published to Instagram, Cedar Point has announced an expansion and renovation of their waterpark which marks the appearance of The Cedar…
Life’s busy – and quick weekend getaways with the family are sometimes the only type of vacation that we are able to squeeze in.…
When a child is placed with a foster or adoptive family there is usually great rejoicing on the part of the family receiving the…