Acne can be devastating to your confidence. Having dealt with this issue since the age of 13, I understand fully just how much of your life it can disrupt and effectively ruin. It took a lot of study to figuring out what was going on with my body to eventually clear my skin. Do I still have a random breakout? Yes. Especially when I haven’t been taking care of the causes of my acne.
I eventually figured out that, for me, I needed to identify my allergy issues, “clean my gut” (and taking L-Glutamine was a big game-changer for me) and change the way that I ate – a long with the making changes to the harsh products I was using on my face.
In short, I:
1. Had an allergy test conducted and worked to clear my body of the allergens
2. Began “cleaning” my gut through pro and prebiotics as well as taking a detox supplement, L-Glutamine, and bringing down my sugar intake to take care of candida issues.
3. Stopped using a harsh fash soap that I thought I needed for acne, and switch to CeraVe.
How to get rid of pimples and acne fast
Did you know that susceptibility to acne is genetic in 80% of cases? But notice that word, susceptibility. It’s going to be important.
The answers for “how to clear my acne fast” may be slightly different for everyone – but I happened across this video that may help give you a good jump start on your clear skin journey.
Products I used to get rid of painful pimples
1. CeraVe Hydrating Cream-to-Foam Cleanser
2. L-Glutamine
3. Global Healing Paratrex Detox Supplement
4. Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes Plus Prebiotics & Probiotics
5. Zinc
6. Allergy treatments with my Allergist and Asthma doctor
I hope this bit of information helps and good luck on your clear-skin journey!