This is a very common question – so know that you are not alone! I’ve heard it numerous times and even wondered this myself when I was suddenly at home with my first newborn.
I remember meticulously planning out my shower and setting up everything that my baby girl might need while I was in the shower. With her in the infant rocker and facing the shower, I slowly crept into the wonderful steam… peaking out every 20 seconds to ensure that she was still alive.
Most, if not all, of us have had this same dilemma – and we’ve got ya.

So, if one of your top new-mom concerns and questions is “How do I shower alone with a newborn?” – then never fear! Your mom community is here for you and it can be easier than you think. Though this is motherhood – it ain’t easy peasy. Welcome to the tribe!
First, let me say this – it’s probably not the end of the world if you have to put off showering for the day or don’t get around to taking one every day.
No judgment if you just don’t get to it! You aren’t a bad person or a bad mother.
But a nice, hot shower or bath can really make us feel better – and that’s important! Don’t forget to take time nurturing yourself while you’re doing the same for your newborn.
And, these tips go beyond the newborn stage – so read on and chime in!
How to Take a Shower when Alone with Baby
Timing. This is everything! If you can hold off on showering until a responsible adult is there with you – then by all means, do that! The peace and quiet and hopefully stress-free shower will do wonders for you and baby.
Mom friends. Have a mom friend nearby who is going through the same struggle? Trade shower times!
Shower sitter. So maybe you won’t want to do this every day – the cost can add up. But, if it has become a real struggle to get enough alone time and take a shower – hire an in-home sitter for one hour and get your relaxation on.

Sleepytime. If it’s most ideal for you to shower when baby is sleeping – try giving her a good feeding, and burping just before your shower. If that hasn’t quieted her down just yet – depending on age – trying their naptime routine or playing with older babies to help tired enough for sleep. Tip – once they start dispalying “droopy arms” it shows they are relaxing and winding down for some sleepytime.
Try mornings. This may be the most relaxing and joyful time for your baby. Try to schedule your shower-time during the morning or whenever your baby’s “happier times” are.
Playtime. If your baby is old enough to play – try setting up a play area for them to keep them occupied during your shower. Keep a direct line of sight – but try to get your shower done in 20 minutes as that is about the max amount of time that baby will occupy and entertain herself.
Bathe with baby. I loved getting to shower with my babies. It was relaxing for them and great skin-to-skin bonding time. There are even carriers designed for showering and being in water with your baby. This should free your hands up enough to still allow for you to wash off.
If your shower is large enough, and your baby is old enough – place a large towel down on the floor of the shower where he can hang out with you while you’re busy scrubbing down.

Who has more I can add here? How do you manage to get that long relaxing shower in the midst of mothering a tiny human? Or if you don’t get that long one in, how do you manage those capri-length shaves and lightening fast hair washing? Send me your tips, and I will add them here. Send to We will tell the world so more moms can catch a glimpse in the mirror as they walk by and think, “Yep, still got it!”
What tips and suggestions do you have? Share below – join the community – support a mama!