I’ve always enjoyed documenting and preserving the various stages of my life. I’ve kept some sort of journal for as long as I can remember. I’ve also held onto cherished memories with pictures. It began in high school with my very first camera and computer. I captured moments with my friends and saved my photos in albums. I documented various events with online journals and now on my blog. My favorite part of all the saved memories are the pictures I’ve kept. They tell a story. They are a unique peek into the past. I hope to have them around for as long as I am. Yet, I know that there are many ways in which I could possibly lose them. Fire, disaster or forgetfulness could leave these precious memories behind forever.
I’ve spent some time seeking ways in which I can back-up and help ensure that I don’t lose these cherished pictures are kept safe. I’m excited to have found Memfy. Memfy is an online microdiary platform that allows users to record short memories or Memfies about anything you want to remember in the future. You are able to archive major life milestones or those small moments that you just don’t want to forget – such as when your toddler says something hilariously adorable. It also allows memories to be recorded privately. Privacy can be difficult to come by in today’s digital space – that was a big plus for me.
There were several years where my mother and I continuously send the same email back and forth in an effort to record the funny things that all the grandchildren had said. With Memfy, we can much more easily record and share these moments with each other. I look forward to going and adding all of those memories to Memfy and creating an amazing timeline of our life events.

I love that Memfy will soon be available as an app. There have often been moments that I wanted to record – but didn’t have time to log onto a computer to properly type or upload the picture, video or quote. Being able to quickly update my cache of memories with my phone would be fantastic!
Want to support Memfy’s journey to becoming an app? Check out the options available here.
Want to check out Memfy? Just log on to www.memfy.com or join the Memfy conversation on Facebook. You can also follow Memfy on Twitter at @Memfy.
*This is a sponsored article. All opinions belong to Bloggy Moms.