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Bile acid is used to aid in the digestion of fat. While this chemical acts as a mild laxative, it has several other health-related functions including fighting food poisoning and aiding in the breakdown of fats found in milk. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus, causing heartburn and gassiness.

What is acid reflux?

The condition of acid reflux, in which stomach acid rises up to your esophagus, causing an unpleasant sensation in your chest, neck, and throat.

Stomach acid aids in the breakdown of food. It is intended to remain in the stomach, aided by a muscle known as the lower esophagus sphincter (LES). When food enters the stomach, the LES relaxes. However, some people lack a robust LES muscle, causing them to have acid reflux on a regular basis.

Acid reflux can be managed in a variety of ways. You should attempt to avoid the following foods, but if you continue to have difficulties, you should talk with your doctor about Omeprazole to assist relieve heartburn and acid reflux symptoms.

Other causes of acid reflux include

  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy
  • Being overweight
  • Late-night snacking
  • Weather
  • Certain medications

What are the common symptoms of acid reflux?

Common symptoms of acid reflux include

  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation
  • Dysphagia
  • Hiccups

In severe cases of acid reflux, you may experience

  • Asthma
  • Enamel damage

Foods to avoid acid reflux

Acid reflux, although debatable, is thought by many authorities to be worsened by specific types of food. As a result, if you have acid reflux on a regular basis, you should avoid these foods as much as possible:

Spicy foods

Capsaicin is a chemical found in chilies and peppers that gives them their distinctive spicy flavor. According to researchers, foods high in capsaicin can induce abdominal discomfort and acid reflux, even if you don’t have a digestive issue or acid reflux.

Certain beverages

Some of these are undoubtedly your favorites. If you have acid reflux, drink in moderation. If at all feasible, remove these from your diet completely.

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Soda and other carbonated beverages
  • Alcohol
  • Tomato juice
  • Citrus juice

These beverages are usually tolerated by individuals who have acid reflux. Check with your doctor to see if you’re okay ingesting these beverages.

Certain fruits and vegetables

Certain fruits and vegetables might aggravate your acid reflux symptoms, regardless of their nutritional value. The following are some examples:

  • Tomato and tomato-based products
  • Pineapple
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Citrus fruits like lime, grapefruit, orange, and lemon

Foods high in fat

Fatty foods cause your LES to relax. They also slow stomach emptying, increasing your chances of developing acid reflux symptoms. Some fatty items include:

  • Butter
  • Whole milk
  • French fries and onion rings
  • Cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Salad dressings that have high-fat content
  • Red meat especially ribs and sirloin
  • Potato chips
  • Chocolate
  • Mint

Preventing acid reflux

Aside from consuming better foods, there are a few lifestyle adjustments that might help you avoid acid reflux. You can try the following:

  • Avoid late snacking
  • Avoid eating large meals
  • Change your sleeping posture (ensure that your head is higher than your waist while sleeping. This will keep stomach acid from traveling up the esophagus).


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